Atlanta Select began its Fall Skills Development training sessions on Sunday, September 12, 2010 at Cameron Academy. Training for ages 8 - 12 was conducted from 2 - 4 PM and training for ages 13 - 18 was conducted from 4 - 6 PM. Student Athletes as far away as Macon, Georgia were in attendance. You are invited to view a photo album of the training on our "Facebook" link.
It is recognized that many talented basketball players lack the knowledge of basic and/or advanced basketball skills. Thus, they fail to make the team that they desire or find themselves making numerous mistakes as a team player. The Atlanta Select Skills Development program is designed to make the talented player a more skilled and dynamic force, prepared to make their team. The overall purpose for the training is to thoroughly prepare basketball players in the skills needed for their high school, middle school or recreational teams and for their Spring AAU/YBOA/Invitational basketball leagues.
The groups were given warm up exercises, practiced ball handling skills to counter close in defense, right, left and center lay up drills, close in shooting skills, pressured defense and aggressive rebounding skills. Each Sunday new and advanced techniques will be taught. A cadre of ten Atlanta Select coaches assisted in the training.
Coach Tony Hill, Atlanta Select CEO, conducted Life Skills sessions for both groups, highlighting the need for physical and mental health, the need to study and work hard in school, to practice their basketball skills every day and to watch their conduct at all times. He provided the group with a motto for the training.
Coach George Zeigler, Atlanta Select COO, highlighted the need for not only obtaining good grades but the need to strive for excellent grades in all their classes at school. He recognized Isaiah Thomas, 8th grade student from Chestnut Log Middle School in Douglasville, Georgia for maintaining a straight "A" average for the first 4 weeks of school.
Student Athletes (boys and girls)from all over the Atlanta Metropolitan area are invited to attend. Interested persons may download an application from the Atlanta Select web site's home page (www.atlselect.com) or just show up at the sessions. The training at Cameron Academy is in walking distance (only one block) from the Lakewood/Fort MacPherson MARTA station. The Fall sessions have had a great start. Go Select.
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