Atlanta Select Coach John Hardy was home for Christmas, the first time in 5 years. He served in the Air Force for 3 1/2 years with an assignment in Iraq. For the last year and a half he has been a DOD contractor serving as a Morale, Welfare, Recreation (MWR) supervisor in Qatar and Afghanistan. He is currently responsible for providing free and discounted recreational services (Rec Centers, USO shows. etc.)to military personnel at several locations in Afghanistan.
He became a coach for Atlanta Select in the Fall of 2009 with the goal of establishing a team in the Kennesaw area. Prior to Christmas of 2009 he accepted an assignment in Qatar and has been overseas ever since. He is happy to be home to visit his family (to include his two young sons) this holiday season before returning to Afghanistan.
Coach Hardy is planning to be back in the states by next Christmas and preparing to lead an Atlanta Select Boys Platinum team. We appreciate his valuable service he is providing our forces in the war zone and pray for his safe return next year.
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